For 2018, extraordinary weather events have seemingly saturated headlines in every season. Like many...

Flint Energies Named EMC of the Year

Friday | November 16, 2018
For consistent and continued generosity and support of military personnel in Middle Georgia, Flint ...

Flint Energies continues restoration

Friday | October 12, 2018
Approximately 2,898 consumer-members, mostly in the eastern part of the Flint Energies service area,...

Flint urges members to prepare for hurricane

Wednesday | October 10, 2018
Flint Energies employees are prepared for the effects of Hurricane Michael and are storm ready. We e...

Flint Energies to close offices

Wednesday | October 10, 2018
In preparation for Hurricane Michael, Flint Energies will close its offices at 4 p.m. today. Flint p...
Flint Energies will distribute $3.89 million in September to those consumer-members who were receive...

Flint payment gateways closed temporarily

Thursday | August 30, 2018
All Flint Energies kiosks and payment gateways will be temporarily unavailable Thursday, August 30 b...
Flint Energies is proud to announce the four delegates who have been chosen to participate in the 20...