Members can choose a levelized billing program that might be just the answer. Levelized billing prevents drastic changes in your bill, even in the coldest or hottest months of the year. This can help you budget your finances more consistently each month.

No surprises

Levelized billing is based on a rolling 12-month average by using the previous 11 months’ electricity billing and the current month’s billing for the service address. Since the current month’s billing is calculated into the average, the levelized amount will fluctuate, but only a small amount……usually a couple of dollars per month.

No settle-up. No guessing.

Because the levelized billing amount is recalculated each month based on a rolling average, the need to settle up balances annually is eliminated. Reconciliation of your account will be necessary only if you move or decide to cancel your participation in the program.

Join anytime

If you have one year of billing history to help us set your initial levelized billing amount, you are eligible to participate in levelized billing and you can join the program at any time. We’ll simply calculate your levelized payment based on the average billing for your home during the last year.

Program details

  • Levelized billing is only available to residential accounts.

  • Customers must have no returned checks or cut-off notices in the last six (6) months.

  • Balance owed must be zero to enter the program.

  • The program averages the current actual bill with the past eleven (11) months' bills to determine the current amount payable. For new accounts, the present bill will be averaged with any previous bills. 

  • Payment is due by the due date printed on the bill. 

  • The account will automatically change to a regular residential account if there is ANY balance owed on the account when the next bill is printed. The account then will be ineligible for the program for the next twelve (12) months.

  • If electric service is terminated, the entire balance becomes due. 

Sign Up
Member Info
E-Bill Preference - I prefer to receive my bill by e-mail. Sign me up.
By clicking on the Submit link below, I agree that The above has been explained and discussed with me. I agree that if I have a debit balance when the next bill is printed, I will be placed back on the regular residential billing without notification, and the entire balance will become due. I further agree that if Flint Energies or myself terminate my service, the entire balance becomes due.
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