BEFORE you purchase a solar array, please contact Flint Energies at 1-800-342-3616 for a free consultation. Flint Energies does not work with or endorse any residential or light commercial solar company directly.
Are you considering the installation of your own power generation, like solar?
Distributed generation (DG) is power generation that is defined as small generation units distributed around Flint Energies’ distribution system. DG systems can be powered by solar, wind, landfill gas, diesel fueled engines, natural gas fueled micro-turbines, etc. DG refers to electricity-generating equipment located at your home, owned and operated by you, the member. The generation may, or may not, be operated in parallel (connected to) Flint Energies. Members inquiring about distributed generation generally fall into four basic categories:
Small power production facilities (solar, wind, waste),
Backup power which can be synchronized with the utility upon restoration from utility outages,
Generation for self-service of customer’s own load through parallel operation with the utility and peak shaving of demand,
Generation that is for exporting (landfill gas, large wind farms, etc.).
How does a member apply to install and operate DG on the Flint Energies system?
As of January, 2021, more than 75 Flint Energies members have installed their Solar PV energy systems. If you would like to install and operate power generation on the Flint Energies system, we recommend you review the following:
Review the costs of the equipment including initial costs and annual operation and maintenance costs including cost of insurance. These may be capital costs or costs of a long-term lease.
Do research on the technologies available and then locate local reputable vendors that sell, install and maintain the DG you choose.
Make sure, prior to any purchase, that you have applied with Flint to interconnect your power generation and that you have met all requirements. (See application below)
Review the Flint rates and related monthly charges
Getting Started
You can start the process by submitting the appropriate application, as well as ensuring the technology you choose meets all of the requirements listed in the documents below. It is likely you will have to get the vendor involved in submitting the application to ensure the technology meets all of our requirements. Upon receipt of the solar application packet and other required documentation, Flint Energies will review the application for approval. If your application is denied, Flint will provide information as to the requirements for approval. Along with the approval, Flint will provide a cost of further interconnection studies, if necessary, and for the physical interconnection. Once approval is obtained by Flint, the Owner will be contacted by email and advised of the approval and future steps for interconnection. Prior to physical interconnection of Distributed Generation (DG), a Flint Energies representative will inspect for proper operation and installation.
The limit for residential generation is 10 kW and the limit for commercial generation is 100 kW, in accordance with the state limits on net metering.
For more information, contact:
Phone:478-988-3500 ext. 5506
Residential Solar Application Process
Do you want solar power but don't want to install solar panels on your home's roof? We have the option for you. Call about a solar rate for your home at 478-988-3500, ext. 5506.