Are you considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV)? You’re not alone. More and more people are making the switch to electric vehicles as the technology improves and costs decrease. Driving an EV is good for the environment and easy on the wallet. Flint Energies is excited to support EV adoption through our Go EVwhere program.

EV Time of Use Explainer


Go EVwhere Smart Charging Program

The Go EVwhere Smart Charging Program allows a Flint Energies member to earn incentives by charging their electric vehicle (EV) outside of peak hours during summer and winter. It is different than the time-of-use rate option, since the Go EVwhere Charging Program is based solely on the energy usage of the EV. To participate, members must meet all eligibility requirements and accept the terms and conditions found at the end of the enrollment form at

Participating vehicles will receive an incentive twice per year, once after the summer season (May – September) and once after the winter season (December – February). Members are encouraged to avoid charging their enrolled EVs during the on-peak times of 2-8 PM each day of the summer season and 5-10 AM each day of the winter season.

The incentive will be a $8 per month bill credit, multiplied by the number of months the member successfully avoided off-peak charging in that season.

  1. Must be a Flint Energies residential member.
  2. Program is not available to residential members receiving incentives under the Drive Free for a Year program.
  3. Program may have limited room and will be first-come, first-served.
  4. Program is for all-electric vehicles only.
  5. Participating members can enroll more than one (1) all-electric vehicle.
  6. Participating members must live in a single-family home where the eligible electric vehicle(s) (EV) is charged via a level 2 charger.
  7. A level 2 charger is one that requires 240V in a residential application.
  8. Member must do most charging at home to be eligible for the program.
  9. Participating members must own or lease one of the following EVs to be eligible for the program. Make and model eligibility is subject to change. All make and models listed below will have charging data made available to Flint Energies, with some models also allowing control commands.
Audi 2017+ *Jaguar 2016+ Porsche 2020+
BMW 2014+ Jeep 2014+ *Toyota 2017+
Cadillac 2011+ *Land Rover 2016+ *Tesla 2012+
Chevrolet 2011+ Lincoln 2015+ *Volkswagen 2014+
Chrysler 2015 MINI 2018+ Volvo 2012+
**Hyundai 2012+ Nissan 2011+ Rivian 2022+

* Control commands are enabled and could be sent by Flint Energies to the EV to adjust charging.

**Only Hyundai models 2017 or later are eligible to receive a control command.

  1. Participating vehicles will receive an incentive twice per year, once after the summer season (May – September) and once after the winter season (December – February)
    1. Members are encouraged to avoid charging their enrolled EVs during the on-peak times of 2-8 PM each day of the summer season and 5-10 AM each day of the winter season.
    2. The incentive will be a $8 per month bill credit, multiplied by the number of months the member successfully avoided off-peak charging in that season.
    3. Each participating EV will be allowed up to two (2) opt-outs per month, with an opt-out meaning the participating member charged during the on-peak time.
    4. Members may choose to charge during on-peak times; however, charging for three (3) times or more during on-peak hours will forfeit the incentive for that month.
  2. Members that use more than two (2) opt-outs per month for more than two (2) months during the summer or winter season may be removed from the program by Flint Energies. Flint Energies also reserves the right to remove any EV or member from the program at any time for lack of participation.
  3. Members that want to remove themselves or an EV from the program can email No bill credit will be sent for the month you opt out.

Click below for the GoEVwhere Smart Charging Program's terms and conditions, which you will agree to when you sign up for the program.

Terms and Conditions

Go EVwhere Smart Charging Program Information

The program is only open to Flint Energies members who own or lease an electric vehicle and primarily charge it at home.

Most makes and models are eligible, but please refer to the eligibility requirements for a full list of eligible EVs.

This program uses the car’s telematics data and does not communicate with an EV charger; therefore, there are no restrictions on the brand of level 2 charger you use at home.

You sure can!

Yes! However, those receiving monthly incentives under the Drive Free for a Year program are not eligible for the GoEVwhere Smart Charging program until their year is completed.

Yes, whether you are a homeowner or renter you can participate in this program.

The benefit to the member is you are eligible to earn an incentive by not charging your EV during peak hours each summer and winter.

You can enroll multiple EVs you own or lease assuming there is available space in the program. Flint Energies has limited space during the pilot phase, so spots will be first-come, first-served.

The peak hours for the summer will be 2 PM - 8 PM from May through September. The peak hours for the winter will be 5 am - 10 am from December through February. 


EMCs like Flint Energies have to design and build the distribution grid to handle periods when demand for power is high. By managing when EVs are using power, we can mitigate having to make expensive, unnecessary upgrades to the distribution system. Purchasing power during peak times is also very expensive, so if EV charging can be shifted, those premiums can be avoided and those savings shared with those that are participating in this program.

We understand that sometimes you may mistakenly leave your EV charging during a peak time or you may need to charge your EV during a peak time. This program allows for up to (2) opt-outs each month while still being eligible for an incentive. An opt-out is when you charge your EV during a peak hour for any reason.


Absolutely, using a public charger or workplace charger outside your home does not impact your eligibility to earn an incentive.


For privacy, Flint Energies is only shown certain data points through our software vendor(s) and the SmartCar API that is initiated during enrollment. Data available to Flint Energies includes:

  • UID (Unique Identifier)
  • Manufacturer
  • Model of Vehicle
  • Model Year
  • Account Number
  • EV Battery Capacity
  • Charging Status
  • Power Consumption of EV
  • State of Charge
  • Binary Location Status (Home/Not At Home)

By sharing your telematics data with our software vendor(s), Flint Energies will not be able to see where you travel or where you’re at. Flint Energies will have the ability to throttle or stop charging on some makes and models; however, actively controlling your EV is not the intent of this program. Please see the “Eligibility Requirements” for the makes and models that allow charging commands to be received. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions to see what data Flint Energies will have access to and under what conditions charging control commands could be sent.


In order to check if you qualify for an incentive each month, Flint Energies must verify that your EV is not charging during peak times and will use the car’s telematics data to confirm that.


The incentive will be calculated on a monthly basis, but will be assigned to your account as a bill credit after each summer and winter season.

Yes, you are responsible for maintaining a telematics subscription as well as making sure your EV can communicate to the internet.

Flint Energies has to pay a fee to our software vendor(s) for every EV that is enrolled in the program; therefore, if you enroll and do not consistently participate, you may be removed from the program.


If you travel a lot in your EV and don’t charge it much at home, then this program is likely not a good fit for you. Please ask us about our EV time of use rate instead!