Flint Energies Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Flint Energies, awarded $1,069,016 across the el...
Flint Energies is distributing $4.99 million in September to Consumer-members who received electric ...
Flint Energies announced today that the cities of Ellaville and Fort Valley have won grants from the...
Flint Energies and Conexon Connect, the internet service provider arm of rural fiber-optic network d...

Flint Energies plans April 1 rate changes

Tuesday | January 31, 2023
Effective with Consumer-member billings that begin on April 1, Flint Energies’ residential base char...
Flint Energies is distributing $4.95 million in September to Consumer-members who received electric ...
Today, Flint Energies Foundation awarded a total of a quarter of a million dollars in grants to 25 l...
Governor Kemp announced a newly-formed partnership between Reynolds-based Flint Energies and Conexon...