Effective with Consumer-member billings that begin on April 1, Flint Energies’ residential base charge will move from $35 per month to $36 per month, continuing a long-term initiative to gradually align this monthly access charge with the fixed costs of operating the electric system. This increase equals $12 for one year of service, approximately the cost of a fast-food lunch.
Flint Energies’ residential rate will remain steady at the current 10.55 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), where it has been since 2017.
"As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, every Member shares in both the costs and the benefits of electric service," says Flint Energies Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Nelms. "The Co-op has faced rising costs across various areas, including materials, operations, maintenance, credit card fees, postage, and right-of-way expenses. The Co-op's Board and staff are dedicated to minimizing expenses and improving efficiency to help manage costs for all Members, as they are also Members themselves. Despite this base rate change, the cost of electricity has increased less than many other common expenses for Members."
Base rate changes will also be in effect for the other rate schedules which were previously billed at $35 per month. Those rate schedules will bill at $36 per month and will affect approximately 1,000 non-residential accounts. Members may compare current residential rates online at the Georgia Public Service Commission website: :
The base charge, or access fee, covers the costs of operating the Cooperative and delivering power. It also includes covering the Co-op’s cost to maintain more than 7,200 miles of electric lines and 52 substations, while providing 24/7 service and an outage reporting system. The wholesale power cost adjustment rider, which can change monthly, fluctuates based on the costs to generate power.
Option for Low Income
Members who are approved for the Low-Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can be placed on Flint’s low-income rate. After April 1, Consumer-members that confirm their LIHEAP standing with a check payment will be eligible for a reduced monthly base service charge of $18 per month. Local Community Action Agencies administer the LIHEAP program.