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WPCA November 2017102417161004.jpg

Even though members are seeing milder temperatures, Flint Energies’ wholesale power cost adjustment will go higher in November as the cooperative continues to pay for high power generation costs from the past few months. According to Flint Vice President Marian McLemore, the price of natural gas used to generate power this summer was higher than normal.


“With milder weather, Members typically will see lower energy bills due to the reduction in energy usage,” said McLemore. “However, this year, an active hurricane season caused disruptions in the production and transportation of natural gas. We’re seeing significant increases in the price for natural gas, which is one of main sources of electric generation. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, cost increases are shared by all Flint members. We will be seeing a higher Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment (WPCA) in November.”


Members will see a WPCA of $0.01 per kilowatt hour on their November bills. The average Flint member uses 1300 kWh per month. The average member will see an increase of $13.00 to their energy bill.


The WPCA is set by the Flint Energies Board of Directors at their monthly board meetings. The history of the WPCA per kilowatt-hour for 2017 is:


Jan-17            $0.00400

Feb-17           $0.00400

Mar-17            $0.00400

Apr-17            $0.00000

May-17           $0.00100

June-17         $0.00100

July-17           $0.00100

Aug-17           $0.00100

Sept-17          $0.00300

Oct-17            $0.00700

Nov-17           $0.01000


(These WPCA charges are not additive, as the monthly charge from one month replaces the previous month.)